
10 Superfoods for Fast Weight Loss

10 Superfoods for Fast Weight Loss

Healthy diet is synonymous with variety on the plate, as you already know. But how about including in this selection some super powerful foods when it comes to fighting those extra pounds? No, this is not a comic book story: this league full of good intentions exists and has all its mysteries revealed by HelthyFit.

Armed with all her technical apparatus, infallible against any protruding fat, she indicates firsthand 10 delicacies (including drinks) favorable to weight loss and longevity (our nutrient has a special menu for you).

But beware: these heroes in the fight against the scale do not achieve anything alone, it is a team effort. "Just because apple is on the list doesn't mean you can cross all the other fruits off the menu", warns Roberta about the importance of a balanced menu.

Brown Rice

A typical part of Brazilians' meals, traditional rice must be substituted once and for all by brown rice (learn when whole grain rice is the best option). In this version, the film that coats the grain is maintained and, with it, fiber, vitamins and minerals that are wasted when rice is polished are preserved. The calories of both types are practically the same.


Another traditional Brazilian dish, this type of legume is rich in protein and free of saturated fat. What does this mean? Simple, eat without worrying about the levels of bad cholesterol.


These are sources of omega-3, a type of fat that is important in the composition of the cell membrane. It also plays a relevant role in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, count on the few calories of fish to maintain the balance of the scale and health.


Whole wheat and oatmeal are the basis of this mixture (check out the homemade recipe), which makes breakfast much more energetic. The whole grain cereals keep the blood sugar system in balance, preventing the development of diabetes. Granola also improves the functioning of the intestine, prevents heart disease and some types of cancer.


They stand out for their high nutritional value: they are rich in protein, unsaturated fat, vitamin E, potassium, and fiber. Walnuts help not only in weight loss, but also in weight maintenance. Just don't overdo it, because excessive intake can lead to weight gain. They make a great snack between the main meals. A six-unit serving contains 115 calories.


83% of the composition of this fruit is derived from water, making its caloric value low (one unit has only 60 calories). The apple is also rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and low in fat. At the time of consumption, do not discard the peel (stalks and peels yield incredible recipes). It is a source of fiber and several nutrients.


Among so many benefits, the tomato is related to the prevention of cancers such as prostate, lung, and stomach cancer. The best way to enjoy all the advantages of the vegetable is to eat it cooked or processed.


There is still to be a beverage that surpasses the quality of water. Besides being the leader in the ranking of hydrating substances, it is capable of driving away the feeling of hunger if consumed regularly throughout the day, provided, of course, that you do not skip any meals. And the best of all is that it does not add any calories to your diet (add up the calories from each little escape).


They are great stimulants of the kidney function and help eliminate toxins with their diuretic power. During weight loss, tea favors the low ingestion of food, thus reducing the total calories of the day.

Skimmed Milk

It has a reduced amount of fat (and calories as well) compared to the whole milk version, and works against osteoporosis, since it is an excellent source of calcium. Adding up its qualities, skim milk can be considered an ideal partner to keep in shape with the scale.

Carl Elias

Content writer and travel enthusiast. Passionate about exploring new cultures and discovering off the beaten-path destinations.

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