
Hibiscus Water to Lose Weight

Hibiscus Water to Lose Weight

Daily drinking hibiscus flower water or hibiscus tea, also known as hibiscus, is an excellent way to facilitate weight loss and prevent obesity, because this plant contains polyphenols, mainly anthocyanins, phenolic compounds and flavonoids that according to some scientific studies could cause various effects on the body, including:

  • Regulate some genes responsible for inhibiting the production of fatty acids in the liver.
  • Decrease the absorption of fats in the intestine and help burn fat accumulated in the body.
  • Inhibit the activity of some pancreatic and intestinal enzymes, which are in charge of digesting and favoring the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestine, in addition to reducing insulin resistance, helping to regulate blood sugar.

In addition to this, hibiscus water could also help regulate appetite, because it could influence some hormones that are in charge of regulating it, such as ghrelin and leptin.

Unlike green tea, hibiscus water has a more pleasant taste and also provides antioxidants that prevent heart disease and premature aging, making it an excellent choice for those who do not like to drink green tea.

How to Prepare Hibiscus Water?

To make hibiscus water or tea and maintain the properties of the flower, place the water to boil, and when it starts to boil, turn off the heat. Then add the dried hibiscus flowers, cover the container and let it steep for 5 minutes before straining and drinking.

The correct proportion of hibiscus flowers and water is:

  • 1 tablespoon of dried hibiscus flowers
  • 400 ml of boiling water

3 cups of hibiscus water should be taken daily, half an hour before the main meals. It is also possible to drink the infusion cold by adding ice or keeping it in the fridge. 

Ideally, it should be ingested without adding sugar to achieve the expected effect, in addition to associating it to a healthy diet, low in fats and sugars, and to the practice of physical activity.

Hibiscus Flower in Capsules for Weight Loss

In addition to tea, hibiscus flower can also be consumed in the form of dry extract in capsules. For weight loss, the dose that is usually recommended is 2 capsules of 450 mg, 3 times a day for at least 12 weeks, to be taken 20 to 30 minutes before the main meals, and should be taken under the guidance of a nutritionist or phytotherapist.

These capsules can be purchased in some supermarkets, health food stores, pharmacies and online stores.

Recipes with Hibiscus Flower for Weight Loss

In addition to tea or water, hibiscus flower can also be used to prepare fruit juices, such as passion fruit, pineapple or strawberry, or vegetable juices. It is also possible to prepare other delicious recipes with this medicinal plant, as indicated below.

1. Hibiscus Ice Popsicles

Each popsicle provides only 37 calories and can be eaten as a dessert during main meals or snacks, for example.


  1. 2 large slices of watermelon with seeds;
  2. 1 cup of water or hibiscus tea with ginger;
  3. 1 tablespoon of chopped mint leaves.

How to prepare

Mix all the ingredients in a blender and fill the popsicle molds. As an option, you can also place pieces of fruit, such as kiwi or strawberry, inside the molds before filling them, as it will add more nutrients to the popsicle and give it a prettier appearance.

2. Hibiscus Flower Soft Drink

Each 240 ml glass of this soft drink only provides 14 calories and can accompany meals or be drunk during the day.


  1. 1 cup of water or hibiscus tea;
  2. Sparkling water.

How to prepare

Prepare the tea using 2 tablespoons of dehydrated hibiscus flowers in 500 ml of water. Let the water boil, remove from heat, add the hibiscus flowers and let it steep for 5 minutes. Once cold, add it in a pitcher and keep it in the refrigerator.

When you want to prepare the soft drink, place 1/3 of the hibiscus water in a glass and complete it with the sparkling water.

3. Hibiscus Flower Jelly 

A cup with 100 ml of hibiscus jelly provides about 32 calories and can be consumed as an afternoon snack or as a dessert at lunch or dinner, for example.


  1. Water or hibiscus tea
  2. Unflavored gelatin
  3. Stevia to taste

How to prepare

Dissolve the gelatin according to label directions, using hibiscus tea instead of water. Sweeten with sugar or sweetener, and place in the refrigerator until it has a gelatinous consistency.

4. Light Summer Juice

Each 300 ml glass of this juice provides about 105 calories, and can be used in snacks along with some whole-grain crackers, for example.


  1. 500 ml of water or cold hibiscus tea
  2. 500 ml of unsweetened red grape juice
  3. 1 squeezed lemon
  4. 1 sliced lemon
  5. 3 sprigs of mint

How to prepare

Prepare the hibiscus water with 5 tablespoons of the plant for 500 ml of water. Once ready, place it in a pitcher and add the grape and lemon juice, the mint branches and the lemon slices. Refrigerate and serve chilled.

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Carl Elias

Content writer and travel enthusiast. Passionate about exploring new cultures and discovering off the beaten-path destinations.

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