
Fasting for Your Health: Will Surprise You

Fasting for Your Health: Will Surprise You

Scientists know that a person can go without food for an average of 3 weeks. And without water, a maximum of one week. But fasting is a rather ambiguous practice: traditional medicine, in general, does not accept it, pointing out a huge number of negative aspects, while alternative medicine loves it, considering fasting as a panacea. In this article, we will study whether giving up food helps to lose weight or not.

Fasting is a state caused by insufficient intake of substances necessary to maintain the body's self-regulation. At the same time, there is the so-called "therapeutic fasting", which is practiced by supporters of alternative medicine. They voluntarily refuse food and water for a period of time, claiming that in this way the body is purified and becomes healthier. Traditional medicine does not support these practices.

However, during fasting, the person apparently loses weight. At HelthyFit we decided to find out what dangers this process entails and whether it is really possible to get a wasp waist thanks to starving yourself.

What Happens to The Body During Fasting?

We analyzed the situation when a person goes hungry for a not too long time and this cannot have a lethal outcome. What happens?

During the first 2 days, the body uses all the glycogen stores available in the muscles and liver. These are the carbohydrate reserves that provide the body with quick energy.

Between the third and fourth day, the ketosis process begins. This is the time when the body begins to burn stored fat for energy. For a while, the feeling of hunger decreases, the blood sugar level drops. But then, you will feel hungry again and the sugar may drop to critical levels. In this case, the metabolism slows down and the hormonal balance may be disturbed.

If you refuse not only food, but also water, all these processes will move faster. But such behavior can trigger dehydration, which will lead to too low blood pressure.

It is necessary to get out of this state gradually, starting with liquid food.

Benefits and Harms

The most obvious benefit of fasting is rapid weight loss. But here we cannot avoid having implicit drawbacks, which we will discuss later.

All the other advantages, which you might have heard already, are not confirmed by science. Yes, sometimes fasting helps to alleviate symptoms of diseases. For example, experts managed to relieve 7 out of 10 irritable bowel symptoms through fasting. But these are specific cases and it would be a mistake to extend them to all.

The disadvantages of this fasting "diet" are much greater:

  • The risk of the emergence of problems with the heart in children, whose mothers during pregnancy were starving or poorly nourished.
  • Changes in the woman's menstrual cycle
  • Constipation
  • Bone fragility
  • Slowed metabolism
  • Avitaminosis if prolonged fasting is practiced, leading to flaking of the skin, hair loss, brittle nails and the like.
  • Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are exacerbated.

Does Fasting Help to Lose Weight?

Most experts agree that fasting is an unhealthy tool for weight loss. Because in this way, what is lost quickly is liquid, but not fat.

Fasting helps to easily get rid of a couple of extra kilos, but as soon as a person returns to normal eating, the kilos will also return. Meanwhile, the problems with being overweight can only get worse. Indeed, fasting slows down the metabolism (as the body tries to save energy in this way), which then may not return to normal.

Fasting for 1-2 days will not do much harm if you are healthy. But people who already have problems with their kidneys or liver can only aggravate them. Therefore, experts do not recommend fasting without consulting a doctor.

The best way to lose weight is calorie deficits. Nutritionists recommend consuming fewer calories than you expend. Yes, it is not so fast, but it is effective and not harmful to health.

When Fasting Is Really Necessary?

Despite the adverse effects of fasting, in some cases it is even indicated. Usually, people have to temporarily give up food before surgical interventions and different analytical procedures. In these cases, fasting is a necessary measure. However, mostly it does not last for a long time.

If you still wish to temporarily abstain from food, be sure to consult with your doctor and make sure that this practice does not cause serious damage to your health.

Have you ever practiced fasting and have you achieved the desired result?

Carl Elias

Content writer and travel enthusiast. Passionate about exploring new cultures and discovering off the beaten-path destinations.

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