
How to Get into Ketosis Fast

How to Get into Ketosis Fast

You have probably often heard about the ketogenic diet or ketogenic states, and you want to know exactly what this consists of and if it is a healthy measure to carry out.

Today I will tell you what nutritional ketosis is, what it is based on, and a recommendable option.


What Is Getting into Ketosis?

Ketosis states that the body can enter through a metabolic reaction when the body is only nourished by the fats we accumulate.


This is because the body needs to obtain energy by "pulling" reserves (fats). After all, it is in a state of lack of blood sugar (glucose).


Ketosis: What Is It?

Surely you have heard of the ketogenic diet, also referred to as the keto diet. This is because ketosis comes from ketosis.


Keto refers to the ketones created when a catabolic window opens on the fats we store, and we get into a state of ketosis.


However, the ketogenic state does not occur only when we go on a ketogenic diet:


Nutritional ketosis also occurs when we practice intermittent fasting or at its extreme when we stop eating. For example, severe cases of anorexia live in a constant ketogenic state.


Ketosis is a metabolic response that our body is programmed to initiate in unfavorable circumstances or malnutrition. Therefore, it does not seem a priori a very healthy option to cause this drastically, right?


What Is the Ketogenic State?

The creation of ketone bodies promotes the ketogenic state. These are, in essence, shorter fat chains.


In other words, it is as if the body prepares the fats that we have stored in the body so that they can be used at any time; otherwise, we would die.


As I said before, this is due to the absence of glycogen in the blood. That is, the ketogenic state comes as a result of a decrease or elimination of carbohydrate intake.


Under these conditions, the body obtains energy from ketone bodies instead of extracting it from carbohydrates.


How Do You Enter Ketosis?

The answer to how to get into ketosis, actually we have already seen. In short, when we stop eating food, our blood glucose levels are so low that we begin to feed on our fat. There, we have entered ketosis.


How Do I Know I Am in Ketosis?

There is no reliable way to know if we are in ketosis except to listen to our bodies.

As we enter a ketogenic state, our body will begin to bring the idea of eating to our mind.


Over time, these signals may no longer happen, as the body and mind can adapt.


Is It Possible to Get Out of Ketosis and Back In?

Sure, that's the idea. We cannot be in a constant ketogenic state. The moment we eat again, we will have glycogen available again. This must be the case.


How Often Does It Take to Get into Ketosis?

This will depend on each person's metabolism, but in a standard way, between 8 and 12 hours will be the time that the body will take to enter into ketosis.


This means that our body will have consumed all the energy injected in the last intake after this time.


This will also vary depending on the type of food since, for example, the white pasta produces a fast discharge of energy, and the integral pasta is of slow liberation.


How to Get into Ketosis Quickly?

I'm sorry if I don't answer this question directly, but in that case, I will refer you to my grandmother's advice: "Haste is not a good advisor."


I would ask myself, why am I in such a hurry to get into ketosis? Why do I want to lose weight quickly?


The ketogenic state comes naturally; naturally, we do not have to force ourselves to stop eating or do very intense exercise to achieve this.


If you get rid of all the blood sugar in your body, you will get there sooner; however, you should not be obsessed with this.


Symptoms of Nutritional Ketosis

When we manage to establish ourselves in a ketogenic state, the body usually undergoes a series of changes. Some symptoms of nutritional ketosis are:


1. Change the nutritional balance: Think what, when we stop taking carbohydrates, we also stop taking properties of foods that may be necessary.

Such is the case of fiber. It is common to experience constipation or other digestive problems.


2. Tiredness or exhaustion: Doing without carbohydrates can mean that we find ourselves lacking in energy and feeling sleepy, that we find it difficult to carry out our daily tasks.


3. Decreased appetite: Our body understands nutritional ketosis as a state of malnutrition due to an absence of possibility to feed us. 

In this way, it may inhibit the orientation to provide us, or also called hunger.


4. Halitosis: Forcing our body to work breaking down fats promotes the secretion of acetone, which is responsible for solid body odor and bad breath.


Ketogenic Diet or Keto Diet

The ketogenic diet is a somewhat transgressive approach in the world of nutrition. As we well know, and as the WHO has actively and passively indicated to us, it makes no sense to do without carbohydrates in our diet.


However, there is indeed an abuse of carbohydrates in the Western way of eating.


Ketosis, Diet, and Fasting

However, carbohydrates are the primary energy source available to us. It is estimated that approximately 60% of the energy we obtain to maintain our organic functions (basal metabolism) and our daily activity is obtained from carbohydrates.


Carbohydrates cause a discharge of glucose, which is converted into glycogen (blood sugar) once synthesized.


When insulin starts to act and/or our glycogen depot runs out, the body begins to extract energy from other sources such as proteins and mainly fats.


This is how "fat burning" occurs. For example, if we want to lose weight, it is not advisable to do sports while our blood sugar levels are very high. In such a case, we would be consuming that energy but not burning fat.


From a pragmatic point of view, we could think that the ketogenic diet is the best option to lose weight, but is it so?


Is the Keto Diet A Recommended Option for The Flu?

A study carried out by Yale University has found in a study with mice that compared to two groups (one fed on carbohydrates and the other following a ketogenic diet), the immune system of the second group responded better against the virus.


Now it remains to be able to extrapolate their results to humans; we will be attentive.


Does the Ketogenic Diet Really Work?

The latest studies I have consulted suggest that people who start on a ketogenic diet have a rapid decrease in body fat during the first two months. However, after this time, there is a rebound or plateauing effect.


Do not be surprised if you are following this type of diet, and when you stop, you start to gain weight without any apparent cause or reason.


The reason for this is that the best way to lose weight is progressive. If the body is prepared to store fat, it is for a reason.


In the past, this reservoir was what ensured survival. Because, when the "lean cows" came, you could continue to have the energy necessary to maintain vital functions thanks to it.


Although much time has passed since then, evolution is slow. For our body: a rapid loss of fat means going into vital alarm.


The body interprets it as a time of famine and activates the economic mode to consume as little as possible. It may even paralyze some bodily functions.


In addition, it will understand that whatever can be ingested must be conserved and retained as much as possible (rebound effect).


When Does the Ketogenic Diet Start to Lose Weight?

This is something gradual; we cannot expect having found with the ketogenic diet the definitive solution to all our problems.


The burning of fat starts from minute zero; however, our body has mechanisms to regulate itself and cause no sharp weight gains or losses.


However, it is the same as always; each body is an enigma and responds differently.


Dangers of The Ketogenic Diet

Another problem associated with the ketogenic diet is the abundant consumption of protein. The WHO recommends that we consume no more than 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of our body weight.


That is to say, if, for example, I weigh 70 kg, I should take about 56 grams of protein daily. The average protein intake in a ketogenic diet can double or triple this amount.


In the long run, a high protein intake can cause irreparable damage to the liver and kidneys. And immediately, infection.


Types of Ketogenic Diets

Initially, the ketogenic diet was aimed at health. It is theorizing that the consumption of carbohydrates is unnecessary. 

By provoking specific states of ketosis, it is possible to promote a detox effect similar to the one that occurs when we practice autophagy.


Autophagy was carried out by reducing carbohydrate consumption to the maximum and increasing fat consumption considerably.


Nowadays, many people have taken the ketogenic diet into the realm of magic diets to achieve immediate results. For this reason, they decrease the consumption of fats and increase only the consumption of proteins.


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Carl Elias

Content writer and travel enthusiast. Passionate about exploring new cultures and discovering off the beaten-path destinations.

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