
40 Tips for Healthy Weight Loss

40 Tips for Healthy Weight Loss

The nutritionist Roberta Stella gathered all the tricks to get the scale back to normal without starving yourself. Check it out:


Tips for healthy weight loss

1. Forget very restrictive diets or those that promise great weight loss in a short period of time. In the long run, the result is disastrous.


2. Start by keeping a diary of the foods you eat every day. You will notice the mistakes and correct yourself. This same research from the Ministry of Health revealed that the presence of beans and vegetables on the table of families has decreased, while the consumption of fat has increased.


3. Establish a dietary routine.


4. Set five meals a day, with times for them to happen. And stick to it.


5. Analyze the food labels. Many times, light foods contain a small difference in calorie content, which is not even worth the change.


6. Prefer whole-grain foods. They contain more nutrients and fiber, which are good for your body.


7. Go for skimmed milk and dairy products. The lower amount of fat means less cholesterol and calories in your diet.


8. Be careful with sausages (mortadella, salami, ham). They carry a considerable amount of fat, cholesterol and sodium.


9. Choose sausages that are lower in fat, such as turkey breast.


10. Do not go more than 4 hours without eating.


11. Snack between meals, an essential habit for healthy eating.


12. For these snacks, choose foods that are easy to get and carry in your bag, such as yogurt, cereal bars, fruit, and salt crackers.


13. Eat at least 2 fruits a day.


14. Consume the fruits (apple, pear, grape) with peel.


15. Salads and vegetables should be part of your daily diet.


16. Avoid high-calorie preparations such as grilled, fried, parmigiana, breaded, and four-cheese.


17. Season salads with lemon juice and vinegar.


18. Olive oil has good fats for the heart. But this doesn't mean that it is calorie free. If the intention is to lose weight, use it in moderation.


19. Sweets should be avoided, especially filled cakes, pies, and chocolate bombs.


20. Prefer natural sandwiches to those offered by fast food chains.


21. Tuna and canned sardines are great for a salad or a sandwich. But remember: use the light version, preserved in water, not oil.


22. Prefer the less caloric meats, such as fish, chicken, and lean cuts of beef.


23. Remove the skin from the chicken.


24. Be careful with mayonnaise-based sauces to season salads.


25. Prefer popsicles to ice cream.


26. Natural juices are a great way to cool down.


27. You can count on coconut water to hydrate yourself, but pay attention to the quantity. Because it is caloric, the drink cannot be consumed freely. A small glass (200 ml) has 40 calories. Consume only one coconut a day and drink plenty of mineral water.


28. Avoid carbonated drinks, even those that do not contain calories, such as water and light soft drinks.


29. During a meal, drink only a small glass (200 ml) of liquids. This way digestion will not be impaired.


30. One gram of alcohol has 7 calories. One gram of carbohydrates or proteins contains only 4 calories: that is, that glass of beer is much fattening than a piece of bread. Therefore, avoid alcoholic beverages if your goal is to lose weight.


31. If you go to a bar, avoid fried snacks, peanuts, and cashew nuts.


32. Do not go to the supermarket hungry. This will only make you unable to resist when you pass by the candy and snack shelves.


33. Drink a lot of water, at least two liters a day.


34. Be careful with coffee. Drink, at most, 4 cups a day.


35. Start the meal with a large plate of salads (cooked leaves and vegetables).


36. If you overdo it one day, don't give up. Start over again the next day.


37. Give preference to foods rich in water and low in calories, such as fruits, vegetables, and greens. You will be able to consume a greater volume of these foods compared to those rich in calories.


38. Avoid eating the last meal of the day close to bedtime. In order not to impair food digestion and sleep, eat dinner at least an hour and a half before going to bed.


39. Good news for those who are fans of snack bars: the big sandwich chains already have healthy options. Among them are salad, coconut water, and fruit.


40. Don't see dieting as punishment. After all, food restructuring guarantees a more beautiful and healthy body. The diet is nothing more than a gift you give yourself. Keep positive attitudes throughout the weight loss process.

Carl Elias

Content writer and travel enthusiast. Passionate about exploring new cultures and discovering off the beaten-path destinations.

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