
Hibiscus Flower: The Genus of Flowering Plants

Hibiscus Flower: The Genus of Flowering Plants

The hibiscus flower is a medicinal plant, also known as hibiscus, which is characterized by being rich in anthocyanins, a compound that gives it its characteristic red coloration and provides it with great antioxidant power.


In addition to this, the hibiscus flower is also rich in flavonoids, vitamin C, and organic acids, which provide various health benefits, such as helping to control blood pressure and promote weight loss, for example.

Its scientific name is Hibiscus Sabdariffa, and it can be ingested in the form of tea, "water," capsules, and even in some countries, it can be used to prepare some culinary dishes and can be purchased in supermarkets, health food stores, and in some online stores.


What It Is For

Regular intake of hibiscus flower may provide the following health benefits:

1. Lowering Blood Pressure

Hibiscus flower may help prevent and control mild to moderate high blood pressure by relaxing blood vessels. It is believed that this effect could be due to its anthocyanin content and its antioxidant properties, and its diuretic effect.

Some scientific studies seem to indicate that regular intake of hibiscus could affect some antihypertensive drugs, such as captopril, for example. However, it should not replace the doctor's treatment, as further scientific evidence is needed to support this.

2. Taking Care of Heart Health

In addition to lowering blood pressure, the hibiscus flower may also help lower LDL "bad" cholesterol and triglycerides and even increase HDL "good" cholesterol. This could be because it suppresses the synthesis of fatty acids in the liver, promotes fat burning in the body, and decreases triglycerides' absorption at the intestinal level.

3. Regulating Blood Sugar

Hibiscus flower could help regulate blood sugar because it could inhibit the activity of some pancreatic and intestinal enzymes responsible for the digestion of carbohydrates in the small intestine, thus avoiding glycemia peaks and excessive excretion of insulin.

4. Promote Weight Loss

Thanks to its polyphenol content, mainly anthocyanins, flavonoids, and other phenolic compounds, such as galloyl, chlorogenic acid, quercetin, and caffeic acid, regular consumption of hibiscus flower could promote weight loss and prevent obesity.

It is believed that this effect may be since it helps regulate blood sugar, decreases the absorption of carbohydrates at the intestinal level and improves fat metabolism in the body, and may even control appetite, as some studies indicate that it could influence some hormones, such as ghrelin and leptin, which are responsible for regulating it.

5. Taking Care of Liver Health

Hibiscus flower could inhibit the production of fatty acids in the liver to improve and prevent fatty liver, improving its functioning. It could also increase the enzymes in charge of detoxifying the body, thus reducing liver damage.

6. It Has Antioxidant Properties

Hibiscus has antioxidant properties because it is rich in polyphenols, mainly anthocyanins, which inhibit oxidative stress and prevent the formation of free radicals and the damage they can cause to cells, thus preventing premature aging, the emergence of chronic diseases, and even cancer.

7. Helps Fight Bacteria

Some studies indicate that the hibiscus flower has antimicrobial properties, helping to inhibit bacteria such as Escherichia coli. This bacterium causes diarrhea and gastrointestinal discomfort and other microorganisms such as Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, for example.

Nutritional Composition

The table below shows the nutritional composition per 100 grams of hibiscus flower:


Nutritional Components

100 g of Hibiscus Flower Chalices


2 g


10,2 g


0,1 g

Vitamin B1

0,05 mg

Vitamin B2

0,07 mg

Vitamin B3

0,06 mg

Vitamin C

17 mg


150 mg


3 mg

To obtain the benefits of the hibiscus flower mentioned above, it is essential to include it in a balanced, variable, and healthy diet, and consume it regularly.


How to Consume It

Hibiscus flower can be consumed in the form of tea or "water," capsules, and even in preparing some foods such as cakes, tacos, ice cream, among others.

1. Hibiscus Water or Tea


  1. 1 tablespoon of dehydrated hibiscus flowers
  2. 400 ml of boiling water

How to prepare

  • Add the flowers to the boiling water, let stand for 5 minutes. Strain and drink warm or cold three times a day. For weight loss, it is recommended to ingest 1 cup of this tea after meals.
  • For blood pressure, a clinical study indicates that drinking hibiscus flower water prepared with one tablespoon (10g) in 500 ml of boiling water daily, 2 hours after each meal, and for at least four weeks, could improve blood pressure.

2. Capsules

Hibiscus flower capsules should preferably be taken under the guidance of a nutritionist. The dose usually indicated is two capsules of 450 mg, three times a day for 12 weeks, to be taken 20 to 30 minutes before the main meals.

It is essential to read the manufacturer's label since doses may vary according to the concentration of the product purchased.


Possible Effects and Contraindications

The consumption of hibiscus flower is safe, and so far, no side effects have been reported.

This flower should not be taken together with the drug hydrochlorothiazide to prevent interactions and unwanted effects. Nor should it be taken without medical guidance in pregnancy, breastfeeding, children under 12 years, people with kidney or liver disease, as there are no scientific studies that indicate whether it is safe or not in this group of people.

In the case of hypertensive or diabetic people taking medication, the ideal is to consult their treating physician before ingesting hibiscus flower, thus avoiding hypoglycemia or hypotension.

Where to Buy It

Hibiscus Flower - Flor de Jamaica

Frontier Co-op Hibiscus Flowers

El Sol De Mexico Hibiscus Flowers

Carl Elias

Content writer and travel enthusiast. Passionate about exploring new cultures and discovering off the beaten-path destinations.

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