
What Is the Healthiest Way to Lose Weight?

What Is the Healthiest Way to Lose Weight?

There are many mistaken beliefs about slimming diets and how they affect the body. We solve 18 frequently asked questions about the Healthiest way to lose weight.

For several decades, losing weight has been a challenge for a significant part of the population in developed countries. In some cases, it is motivated by the desire to take care of their health, but in others it is simply a question of aesthetics.

Be that as it may, the desire to lose weight is a subject that always arouses interest and has generated multiple dietary formulas and theories surrounded by false myths that are repeated year after year.

It is useless for specialists to warn of the need to lose weight in a healthy way: the most undesirable maneuvers to lose weight continue to be committed. To avoid this, it is essential to be aware of some of the most popular misunderstandings on this subject.

Let's take a look at some of the claims that continue to exert considerable influence despite being unfounded, along with the keys to healthy weight loss.

Does Everyone Have an Ideal Weight?

Even today it is still believed that there is a perfect weight for each person. It is not strange, for a long time there has been a proliferation of tables with ideal weights.

Strictly speaking, there is no ideal weight but a weight range, a weight interval that could be suitable for each person. This range takes into account, among other things, height, age, build and muscle mass.

For each person, then, there is a relatively wide range within which his or her weight could be considered healthy. This range, based on the body mass index (BMI), lies between a BMI of 19 and 25. This is easy to verify by one's own experience, since it is possible for the weight to fluctuate during the year without the BMI ceasing to be desirable.

Does Having the Right Weight Guarantee A Good Figure?

It is often believed that by having an adequate or medically "healthy" weight, the figure must be perfect. Logically, reality generates disappointments.

It is forgotten that body shape depends not only on the amount of fat ingested but also on the shape of the bones, the distribution of fats, the muscular shape, the type of skin, etc.

That is why many people, after losing weight, still do not look good. Moreover, in some cases, losing weight can accentuate an unaesthetic proportion between shoulders and hips or legs that are not straight, for example.

Is Slimming Always Healthier?

No, it is not.

Although people with excess fat are exposed to a higher incidence of some diseases, such as cardiovascular or osteoarticular diseases, extreme thinness can also favor a higher incidence of other diseases.

The body needs fat to perform multiple functions, such as the protection of viscera and internal organs or the lining of joints and bones. But fat is also a storehouse of hormones and vitamins.

For all these reasons, a minimum fat cover is needed and it is preferable that the BMI does not fall below 20.

Does Gaining Weight Mean Gaining Fat?

Not necessarily. It is possible to gain weight without gaining a single gram of fat.

  • This happens, for example, when intestinal transit is slower than usual, because this causes, among other things, increased water retention.
  • Or after highly seasoned intakes: this explains the weight gain after a day of overeating.
  • Another example of weight gain without fat gain is premenstrual syndrome.

It should be borne in mind that to gain one kilogram of fat deposits, you have to ingest about 9,000 extra calories and that is not easy... The whole-body weighs on the scales, not just the fat. That is why the figure can be misleading and it is not advisable to weigh yourself every day.

Can You Always Achieve the Desired Weight with A Diet?

It is not always possible. There are cases in which the diet is not enough because the metabolism prevents losing more fat. Or lose it without any health repercussions.

It is true that in extreme situations (wars, famine, catastrophes) there is unfortunately a "generalized" extreme weight loss, but with very negative effects on health.

There is always a certain habituation of the organism to the diet and, in addition, as one gets thinner one needs less energy. This is partly the reason why diets have less effect after a while.

For this reason, it is necessary to always accompany the diet with regular exercise and, of course, the acquisition of new habits. Keeping the weight off can be much more difficult than losing it.

Do We Always Gain Weight with Age?

There is a widespread belief that getting older is synonymous with gaining weight and that this is an inevitable weight gain. But neither statement is true.

With time, you need a little less energy. From about the age of 30 onwards, there is a slight decrease in energy needs.

This means that while eating the same food, a significant percentage of people gain weight over the years. Most of the time because with age we also tend to move less and exercise less. But this does not mean that years and pounds necessarily go hand in hand.

Another false belief is that with menopause gaining weight is practically inevitable. It is possible to go through menopause, taking a little care of your diet, without experiencing any weight gain.

Do You Have to Starve Yourself to Lose Weight?

This is an excuse that many people give themselves for not changing the way they eat. The truth is that you can lose weight without starving yourself. In fact, it is necessary to lose weight without starving because it is not only unpleasant but counterproductive. And a clear proof that the dietary pattern that has been followed is inadequate or unbalanced.

A slimming diet has to change the way of eating but with the right foods and the right amounts. In addition, to be able to comply with it, it is necessary to feel certain well-being, something that does not happen when you are hungry.

To lose weight you only need a good specialist and a little will. This last factor is essential.

Is It Better to Start Slimming Fast?

Some theories say that it is necessary to start slimming fast in order not to get discouraged. It is true that the person who wants to lose weight has to see results but the work of the specialist is to explain to him that for his health and his organism the best thing is to lose weight at a moderate rate.

It is necessary to lose weight at a prudent pace because in this way the body adapts to the change but also because it is learning to change dietary habits and to do more exercise. In the vast majority of cases, losing weight is a learning process that cannot be done in a week.

When you have to lose more than 5 kilos you have to give yourself time and not be in a hurry. In addition, rapid weight loss has its drawbacks for health. We must not forget that a drastic diet is an aggression for the body and that lasting results are more important than quick ones.

Does Drinking A Lot of Water Make You Slim?

It would be great if by drinking water the fat would disappear, but the fact that water is a "light" drink (it has 0 calories) does not mean that it is slimming. They are two different things.

It is true that it is the best drink, whether you are on a diet or not, and that you should drink it in sufficient quantity. Always bearing in mind that with exercise or with the increase in temperature the amount of water to be drunk is higher. And that older people feel less thirsty.

But no matter how much water you drink, the weight will not go down by itself. It is diuretic, yes. But increasing diuresis makes you lose more fluid, not fatter.

Is Exercise Enough to Lose Weight?

Difficult, especially with two or three weekly visits to the gym. The energy expenditure produced by one hour of exercise is often overestimated. An hour's walk, for example, burns about 150-200 calories and an hour of aerobics up to 350, but no more.

Another thing would be to practice a competitive sport with intensity (athletics, swimming, cycling, etc.). Then more energy would be needed. But an hour of conventional exercise usually burns 250-350 calories at most.

Repeating it three times a week is very beneficial for the cardiovascular system, bones, joints, mood and general health, but it is not enough to lose weight.

Is Protein A Priority in A Diet?

There are many types of diets, but none of them guarantees that the weight will be maintained afterwards. The only thing that works in the long term is a change in dietary habits.

In addition, to maintain the desired weight after a slimming regime some constitutions and metabolisms need to follow a strict diet always, which is heavy and impractical. Thousands of people year after year go on a diet but fail to maintain their desired weight.

And this happens even with those who have followed high-protein diets and have lost a remarkable amount of weight with them. It is true that they make it possible to lose weight fast, but they are so unnatural that they cannot be maintained for long.

Should Carbohydrates Be Eliminated?

There are diets that totally or almost totally eliminate carbohydrates, such as the ketogenic diet, but this does not mean that it is always the most recommendable or the most effective. There are many types of diets and depending on the needs of each person, some are more suitable than others.

What is clear is that diets that include carbohydrates are much more bearable, do not produce so many alterations in the body and can be maintained longer without affecting the mood and energy of those who follow them.

It is good to measure and almost always reduce the amount of carbohydrates, as well as fats. But another thing is that extreme and faster diets are preferred, with side effects that are also more accentuated. In principle, the most advisable thing is to include carbohydrates in the diet.

Does Each Person Have Certain Foods That Make Him or Her Put on Weight?

The curious idea is widespread that there are "good" and "bad" foods, and that some ingredients make some people fatter than others.

Of course, foods are neither "good" nor "bad" in themselves, but only more energetic or less energetic depending on the calories they provide, regardless of who eats them.

There is a certain tendency to believe in "miracle" foods and "harmful" foods. This is not accurate. The important thing is how these foods are integrated into a balanced diet, which as such allows for exceptions.

However, there may be cases of food intolerances that have adverse effects on the body. But this does not mean that they cause weight gain.

Are Dinner Foods More Fattening?

Food provides the same energy at dinner as it does at breakfast or lunch. What happens is that the activity after dinner is generally much lower than after other meals and the metabolism is attenuated at bedtime.

It is therefore recommended to have a light dinner, moderating the quantities and taking care with the preparations: for a good night's sleep it is preferable to have a light, digestive dinner. However, sometimes an empty stomach can cause insomnia.

Is It Ideal to Always Be on A Diet?

There is nothing more exhausting than the feeling of spending the whole year on a diet. Moreover, it is not advisable because most diets, if they are a little demanding, are incomplete and in the long run cause deficiencies that end up taking their toll.

It is advisable to eat in a balanced way to maintain a healthy weight. It may not be as low as we would like, but it will allow us to live without continuous restrictions.

It is smarter to opt for a less ideal and eat in a more normal way than to choose "perfection" and spend your life obeying prohibitions and repressing yourself. One must be realistic and accept one's constitution and metabolism. Health, yes; continued sacrifice, no.

Can Snacking Between Meals Be Beneficial?

Snacking is not always fattening; eating between meals can be beneficial as long as it is done in an orderly and regular manner.

Uncontrolled snacking is not recommended. On the contrary, continuous snacking is one of the most frequent causes of overweight because in general, people "snack" on energetic foods and have little "conscience" of what they have eaten during the day. There are many people who simply avoiding snacking would solve their overweight problem. Therefore, it is not advisable to do it senselessly.

However, another thing is a mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack. In this case it is a matter of having a snack that avoids arriving at lunch or dinner with an excessive appetite.

As for what to eat, it will depend on the person. In general, it can be said that it is preferable to opt for:

  • Moderate-sized snacks
  • Fruit
  • Fresh cheese
  • Nuts in small doses (about 30 grams)
  • Yogurts: There are yogurts that include guar gum among their ingredients in order to have a more satiating effect, since it is a vegetable fiber that swells in the stomach.

As in other areas, it is essential to apply common sense and snack according to weight, health and personal tastes. This does not mean that you have to give up forever the pleasure of a piece of cake or some cookies. Just be aware that bread is generally healthier than pastries and provides less energy and less harmful fats.

What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of High-Protein Diets?

High-protein diets, also called "keto" or ketogenic diets, are nothing new but they are in vogue.

They are diets that prescribe very little fat, a higher-than-normal dose of protein and almost no carbohydrates. They are effective but not always harmless.

Slimming diets that provide hardly any carbohydrates, and especially those that eliminate them completely, cause the body to have to resort quickly to fat deposits to obtain glucose and energy. Naturally, they lead to a decrease in body fat and, therefore, to weight loss. This in principle seems an easy solution to any overweight. But it has its sticking points.

In favor of these diets, it can be said that they produce a rapid loss of fat and weight even in people who find it very difficult to lose weight. On the other hand, they are relatively easy to follow if the instructions are followed and the indicated supplements are taken.

Against this type of diets, it is important to emphasize that the organism suffers an aggression. Not having carbohydrates constitutes a stress for the body, which in the long run can overload the liver and kidney, and requires continuous medical control.

This is true especially if one goes into "ketosis" for a long time, the metabolic state in which ketone bodies are created from fats due to the lack of carbohydrates. These substances are in a way "toxic" for the body, which has to eliminate them.

Of course, there are very different diets:

  • Some diets never go into ketosis because a certain amount of carbohydrates is always maintained (pasta, rice, bread, fruit, etc.). These are less harmful.
  • Others, on the other hand, base their effectiveness precisely on the production of ketosis in the body to cause a decrease in fat deposits. These are effective ways to lose weight but not the most recommended. They should be reserved for cases in which the conventional hypocaloric diet does not work and there is a notable excess of weight.

Is There A Healthy Way to Lose Weight Fast?

The ideal is to lose 0.5-1 kg per week, but if you need something faster you should at least try to do as little damage to your health as possible.

Let's imagine that we have 3 or 4 kg left over and we want to lose them in a couple of weeks for a special reason.

By following a few simple tips, you can lose weight in a few days:

  • Minimize the dose of fats and carbohydrates (reduce oil to 3 or 4 tablespoons a day and farinaceous, to 50 g of whole meal bread a day).
  • The rest: vegetables, salads or eggs, all cooked with a minimum of fats.
  • Drink plenty of water as the only liquid.
  • Use very little salt.
  • Eat two pieces of fruit a day.
  • To do aerobic exercise one hour a day, that makes sweat and "burn" calories.

Carl Elias

Content writer and travel enthusiast. Passionate about exploring new cultures and discovering off the beaten-path destinations.

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