
Dry Fasting

Dry Fasting

Dry fasting, a diet that has recently conquered many people through social networks, and maybe you've already heard about it.

He is being praised by many people and criticized by most health experts.

This variation of intermittent fasting is already very old and often done by people who follow some religions.

So, check out dry fasting and everything you didn't know about this diet.

What Is Dry Fasting?

You probably already know that in intermittent fasting in its normal form, drinking liquids such as water, tea, and coffee is allowed, but in dry fasting, besides not eating, you cannot drink anything.

So, this prohibition of not drinking water ends up making this method even more rigorous and very dangerous.

Although most people find many benefits in this type of fasting, it is also harmful to those who practice it.

It is a type of fasting used in most religions by many adherents.

Dry Fasting Benefits

It's normal; you hear many people say that it doesn't work and will only give you losses and even harm your health.

After all, many people can exaggerate and go beyond the limits; of course, you can't ignore everything in excess is bad for you.

With dry fasting, it's no different; but we can also find some benefits, very important for better functioning of your body as:


From the moment you are on a dry fast, the levels of inflammation in your body decrease.

Due to the decrease of inflammatory markers that act on your body, some studies have proven this.

Because of this decrease, it can help you prevent many degenerative diseases.

Better Glycemic Control

Another benefit that you may find in this form of fasting is the regulation of blood sugar.

All of this, due to a 50% reduction in the glucose rate about your growth.

Also, it has been proven after the end of fasting, many people have reduced their blood glucose levels and even managed to increase their insulin sensitivity.

Increased Prevention of Diabetes

Due to the decrease in blood glucose levels that fasting can provide, it can also help prevent the onset of diabetes.

Some studies, done with patients with type 2 diabetes, who ended up adhering to do dry fasting from 15 to 21 days, had a considerable reduction in the rate of sugar in the blood.

Safer Fasting

By practicing dry fasting, you may end up having some results in your brain function, such as increased creation of new neurons, increased brain plasticity, extra protection against diffusion, and neural degeneration.

And you may also find a decrease in the excitotoxicity of your neural system.

So, it turns out that this benefit also appears in the practice of fasting for a short period, which still kills cells that are harmful to your brain or are unnecessary.

Lower Blood Pressure

Also, studies have shown that if you have blood pressure that is not in the normal range and you are doing dry fasting.

Then, when you finish this diet, you will eventually experience normalization of your blood pressure.

If you are on a diet that decreases the consumption of carbohydrates, the results can be even greater.

What Are the Types of Fasting?

So, just like normal intermittent fasting, intermittent dry fasting has the same rules as simple fasting.

More so, the only difference you will end up encountering is the total prohibition of not being able to eat or drink anything.

Dry Fasting Makes You Lose Weight

Eventually, some people who like this form of fasting claim that dry fasting is very efficient in losing weight.

They may think that this is because of the great restriction of calories, which happens fast.

However, some studies like the Journal of Human Nutrition and Diabetes, conducted in the year 2013; a group of scientists analyzed the fasting results during the Ramadan period.

A large group of participants was then analyzed in which they had their body weight measured and their body mass index (BMI); one week before starting the fasting period.

After the end of Ramadan, the participants had their weight, and BMI measured and proved a decrease in the weight and BMI of almost all the participants.

Therefore, it is always good to remember that the holiday lasts one month, and people do not eat or drink from sunrise to sunset and fast intermittently.

In addition to lasting only one month during Ramadan, fasting is not extended, and healthy adults do.

Side Effects of Dry Fasting

Like everything in excess is bad for you, fasting will be no different; if you find that you overdo the fasting, whether it is the normal or the dry form, you will have side effects.

And some of those effects, potential ones that you may end up having, are:

  • Hungering too much
  • You will get irritable faster
  • Lack of concentration
  • Headaches
  • Excessive fatigue

So, fasting gives you side effects; restricting your eating can have even greater effects in dry mode.

However, not to mention that if you decide to do it repetitively or directly, it can end up generating even more serious complications for you, such as:

  • Urinary tract infection or kidney stones
  • Fainting
  • Dehydration
  • Deficiency of nutrients
  • Food compulsion

These are cases, which if you are not careful, can damage your health.


If you have any problems or are thinking about intermittent or dry fasting, you must see a doctor.

After all, having the advice of a specialist can help you boost your health without suffering any risks.

Carl Elias

Content writer and travel enthusiast. Passionate about exploring new cultures and discovering off the beaten-path destinations.

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