
What Is Water Fasting?

What Is Water Fasting?

Water fasting has become a popular trend in recent years. Learn what it is, experience its benefits and advantages, and how to practice it correctly.

What Is Water Fasting?

Water fasting or water fasting is a type of fasting that consists of ingesting only and exclusively water. No coffee, tea, or any other type of drink or food. Water

Typically, it is usually practiced for 1-3 days, and within the types of fasting that exist, it is one of the most restrictive and difficult to follow.

But by the very definition of "water fasting," it is also one of the simplest (even more than juice fasting). This is because, nutritionally, the only concern is to ingest enough water to maintain adequate hydration levels.

This is quite different from other fasting types, such as intermittent fasting, where more strategic planning of the nutritional plan is required. This fast allows for the intake of various types of foods and beverages.

An even more challenging type of fasting is dry or total fasting, which does not even provide for water intake and is not recommended.

Water Fasting Benefits

The water fasting diet provides the same or the same benefits as any other type of fasting.

Among these benefits are weight loss, reduced triglyceride and cholesterol levels, and increased insulin sensitivity.

According to some experts, what happens is that water fasting provides benefits much faster than other types of fasting. In other words, all fasts lead quickly to the same place; only those paths are longer (and easier) than others (which are shorter and more difficult).

How to Do Water Fasting?

First of all, we do not recommend practicing this type of fasting without an expert's supervision, especially if you have never practiced fasting before.

We also do not recommend beginners extend it beyond 72 hours and, for more advanced people, not extend it beyond ten days because of its adverse effects.

Before starting a water fast, the main objective is to prepare the body and gradually introduce it to fasting by ingesting smaller and smaller amounts of food or fasting for longer and longer periods during the day.

It may help to read our article on Intermittent Fasting 101, where we give you the basics to introduce to fasting.

And regarding hydration... how much water is necessary to consume when practicing water fast?

Although there is no universal recommendation that works for everyone (as this depends on multiple factors), ensuring a minimum intake of 2 liters of water per day is a good starting point. In some cases, a minimum of 3 liters of water per day may be necessary.

Some people choose to do the water fast with the addition of lemon to benefit from this fruit's properties and give the water some flavor.

After finishing the water fast, it is recommended not to eat large amounts of food. Since the gastrointestinal tract has spent a few hours without processing any incoming food, eating a large amount of food right after the end of the fast could cause adverse symptoms.

Therefore, we recommend breaking the fast with fruit juices, vegetable broths, or any other type of light and easy to digest. Gradually, larger and more complex meals can be introduced according to the tolerance level of each person.


As you can see, water fasting is very simple (although not always easy) to follow.

The only rule is consuming only and exclusively water for 24-72 hours (as a general rule) and making sure to ingest sufficient quantities to maintain adequate hydration levels (about 2-3 liters per day).

However, although it is a simple fast to follow, water fasting is not for everyone: there will be people who are inclined to try it, and for whom the benefits of this fast are evident, and there will be others who do not care for it or, if they try it, feel that it does not work for them.

Suppose you are one of the people who are encouraged to try it. In that case, we always recommend doing it under the supervision of a professional.

Carl Elias

Content writer and travel enthusiast. Passionate about exploring new cultures and discovering off the beaten-path destinations.

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