
Points Diet to Lose Weight

Points Diet to Lose Weight

In the points' diet, any food can be consumed, as long as it is within the established points.

The points' diet assigns food a specific score based on each item's characteristics, such as caloric value, nutrients, and fat content, for instance. 

Although there are no food restrictions in this type of diet, its adopters receive a daily number of points, which must be distributed among the meals.

Therefore, it is essential to record what was consumed in the meals and in what quantity. Thus, it is possible to calculate how many points have already been used and how many can still be used during the day.

Types of Points' Diets

There are different methods based on the points' diet. One way to get to know it is through cell phone applications, available at online stores, which offer issues tables, menu suggestions, and other information. 

The main difference between them is how each calculates the food score: in some cases, only calories are considered, but other nutrients can be taken into account.

The Points' Diet Helps to Lose Weight

This diet aims to make the points consumption in meals lower than the total caloric expenditure of the body. 

When it is correctly done, this diet can help you lose weight because the body starts burning the calories stored to supply its daily needs.

How the Points' Diet Works?

With this diet, a specific number of points is set for daily consumption. The calculation is similar for everyone in some methods, varying only according to the male and female genders. 

In others, however, the determination of the points considers individual characteristics such as height, weight, age, and the weight loss goal, that is, how many kilos the user would like to lose.

It is also possible, in some methods and applications, to change the score throughout the diet. This is because, as you lose weight, the user starts to consume fewer points. 

This is done so that the body adapts to the new diet, ensuring continuous and healthy weight loss.

Regardless of the method chosen, it is necessary to record all the foods and amounts consumed throughout the day to have control over what can still be included in the diet. 

Those who do physical activity still earn extra points to finish in some cases, balancing additional energy expenditure and calorie consumption.

Upon reaching the desired weight, the user advances to the maintenance phase, readjusting the score to maintain a stable and healthy shape and weight.

"The ideal is a points diet that focuses not only on calories, but on all the nutrients in the food, such as protein, carbohydrates, fiber, and fats. The benefit is that the points make it easier to choose the food", said the nutritionist Matheus Motta.

Table of Points

There are three types of points tables, one for each type of diet. Each table takes into account a particular aspect when calculating the score of food. Below is an example of a table provided by the nutritionist Matheus Motta:



Score Points

French bread

1 unit

4 points

Cooked pasta

½ cup

3 points

Cooked brown rice

½ cup

3 points


1 unit

3 points

Grilled fat-free filet mignon

1 unit

5 points

Ground beef

½ cup

5 points

Cooked chicken drumstick

1 unit

5 points

Boiled egg

1 unit

2 points


¼ cup

3 points


1 unit

0 points


1 unit

0 points


1 unit

0 points

Whole Milk

1 cup

3 points

Greek Yogurt

1 pot

1 point

Minas cheese fresh zero fat

1 slice

1 point

Advantages of The Points' Diet

There are no forbidden foods: in the points' diet, all foods can be eaten, as long as they are within the allowed points. Therefore, those who follow this method do not suffer from food deprivation.

Freedom: by following the points' diet, people do not need to follow a closed menu with the same options. It is possible to invest in many healthy variations for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks throughout the day.

Autonomy: the points' diet stimulates you to make your own decisions and make smarter choices, with freedom and independence.

Flexibility: with planning, it is possible to adapt the points diet to your routine and special events, such as parties and celebrations.

Encourages healthy eating: Healthy foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and greens, often have a lower score. This can be an incentive for you to eat them more often, without using up the day's points and taking advantage of all the benefits.

Risks of The Points' Diet

The main risk is to invest in diets that are based exclusively on calories. Just considering the calorie calculation, an apple can have the same points as three stuffed cookies since they have the same total calories but not the same nutritional properties. 

Therefore, such a count does not help you to achieve a healthy diet. However, if the points count is more than the calorie count, an apple will theoretically have fewer points than a cookie because it is more nutritious.

That's why it is crucial to have a specialized follow-up when you start the points' diet since the quality of the food is essential to losing weight healthily and continuously. 

Besides, this care is also recommended for people with health problems, such as diabetes and hypertension, among others.

Precautions When Following the Points' Diet

Before starting the diet, it is vital to seek a nutritionist or a neurologist physician's advice. This way, it is possible to combine weight loss and healthy eating without health risks. 

Another important tip is to combine the diet with regular exercise, which benefits the body.

Sample Menu

Below is an example of a menu based on the points' diet, to consume a maximum of 30 points a day:


  • Whole wheat bread: 2 slices: 3 points
  • Light mozzarella cheese: 1 slice: 2 points
  • Coffee with unsweetened milk: 1 cup: 2 points

Morning Snack:

  • Banana: 1 unit: 0 points
  • Natural zero fat Greek yogurt 1 jar: 2 points
  • Granola: 1 C.S.: 1 point


  • Green leaf salad: 0 points
  • Grated carrot and beet: ¼ cup: 0 points
  • Brown rice: ½ cup: 3 points
  • Beans: 1/4 cup: 2 points
  • Grilled chicken fillet: 4 points

Afternoon Snack:

  • Whole wheat toast: 2 units: 2 points
  • Light cottage cheese: 2 tbsp: 2 points
  • Apple: 1 unit: 0 points


  • Zucchini noodles: 1 cup: 0 points
  • Bolognese sauce: ½ cup: 5 points
  • Chopped tomato and cucumber: ¼ cup: 0 points

Tips to Make Your Diet Work

* Exchange what is forbidden for what is allowed: it is possible to have small snacks between the main meals. 

Therefore, let yourself try new flavors. Remember that a well-designed and healthy diet must include fruits, vegetables, and greens

* Go to the supermarket with a shopping list in hand, giving preference to healthy and low-priced options. This helps when preparing the diet plan of the points' diet

* Do not be discouraged: it is common to slip up in the first weeks of the diet. However, this is not an excuse for neglecting your goal or even giving up losing weight. 

Did you overeat? Go back to the diet proposed at the beginning of the diet. You don't need to wait for Monday to start it again. If you overeat at lunch, control your eating again on the same day

* Organize the refrigerator and the pantry: before starting the diet, clean the fridge and the cupboards to hide some of your favorite caloric foods. 

They are like lures to abandon the diet in moments of pressure, anxiety, and nervousness. If you live with other people, prepare a healthy food corner of your own.

* Change the focus: when you feel the urge to eat sweets or raid the refrigerator, remember to change the direction and turn your attention away from food. Do something else, like reading a book, watching a movie, walking around the neighborhood, or even cleaning the house. 

This way, you will be able to occupy your mind, and before you know it, it will be time for your next meal.

Carl Elias

Content writer and travel enthusiast. Passionate about exploring new cultures and discovering off the beaten-path destinations.

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