
Buti Yoga

Buti Yoga

The most dynamic version of yoga comes from L.A, ready to conquer the world thanks to its fast results.

If Hot Yoga seemed hard to you, then you've never heard of buti yoga, the more dynamic version of yoga that replaces the 'ohms' with dance moves.

If you're looking for a new sport that will have fun and tone you up at the same time, then Buti is for you.

What Is Buti Yoga?

Buti means "cure for something hidden", so one of the purposes of this type of training is self-knowledge and overcoming worries. 

In short, it is a training of jumps, rotations, flexions, stretches and spasms to the rhythm of a music that is very energetic and inspiring, an exercise that activates the body instantly.

This activity is a fusion of three disciplines with nothing in common between them, but they together have achieved a fantastic result: yoga, African dance, and twerking.

Once you try it, your body is activated so that you don't want to stop, and one of its advantages is that you sweat a lot, so it is ideal for weight loss.

This practice was born in the United States when Bizzie Gold, a yoga instructor, was looking to regain her fitness after giving birth, and yoga was not enough for her.

She also wanted to work hips, buttocks, and abdominals, so she combined exercises until she came up with what is now known as buti yoga, which she created herself.

It involves combining plyometric exercises, mainly jumping, with yoga postures and stretches and twerking movements, perfect for working on joint rotation and flexibility.

In a 60-90 minutes session, you can burn 500-600 calories, depending on the intensity. In addition, it tones the whole body, especially the buttocks, hips, and abdomen.

Release Your Inner Light

In Marathi, 'buti' means 'cure for something hidden.' Buti Yoga makes you feel powerful and helps you overcome whatever is troubling you.

The music that accompanies the classes is energetic, inspiring, and activates the body instantly. After a session, you always end up full of optimism, feeling stronger and part of a community.

This community comprises 'butisattvas' who regularly practice Buti and support each other in their journey towards deep self-knowledge.

Although the whole body works, most of the exercises are focused on the lower body, such as the abdominals, hips, and butt, which is the area where feminine power is concentrated.

In a Buti Yoga session, you work mainly on the body that concentrates the feminine power: the abs, hips, and butt.


Buti Yoga is spreading like a hurricane around the world: it is already taught in 22 countries and Bizzie Gold offers online classes that you can subscribe to on their website.

It's also becoming popular on Instagram, with amateur and professional yogis sharing videos and photos of their Buti workouts. Check out ButisattvasThey're going to inspire you so much that you're going to want to try it immediately.

Benefits of Buti Yoga

It is a discipline of dynamic exercises that test your physical tone, but it has also been designed to focus on mental well-being.

Buti Yoga helps you find the tools you need to harness the power within you. It is a workout, but it is also a vibrant lifestyle of transformation.

This lifestyle rests between fundamental pillars to cultivate: Movement, Nourishment, and Community.

How to Get Started in Buti Yoga

As in any physical discipline, it is essential to know the characteristics and the physical challenge of these workouts.

Therefore, it is always advisable to go to those gyms that offer Buti Yoga classes and ask about the suitability of its practice.

Buti Yoga looks challenging when seen from afar, but this need not worry you because there is no pressure to do something you are not prepared for in the sessions.

Any Buti Yoga class is open to all levels; even if you can't follow what the instructor proposes, do what you can, and it will be enough.

Transform your body and mind to a more intense rhythm, put on your most comfortable sports clothes, put on your best fitness shoes, and go for the new Buti Yoga experience.

Carl Elias

Content writer and travel enthusiast. Passionate about exploring new cultures and discovering off the beaten-path destinations.

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