
Macrobiotic Diet

Macrobiotic Diet

The macrobiotic diet is more than a diet itself. It is a philosophy of eating that helps its followers achieve better health and increased quality of life.

It is not a "miracle diet." Following it entails a radical change of life, and its effects can be appreciated in the medium/long term. 

It is also a new way of understanding the world, as it rejects all foods that do not come directly from nature.

What Is the Macrobiotic Diet? 

This diet comes from oriental medicine and has been followed since ancient times by the followers of the Buddhist religion. 

The macrobiotic diet is a whole lifestyle governed, essentially, by the principles of Yin and Yang. 

According to this Eastern philosophy, if Yin and Yang are in balance, human health is not at risk.

Of course, proper nutrition is essential to achieve this vital balance. This philosophy establishes two types of food:

  • Yin foods: These are foods that do not contribute. These foods are related to the dark, cold, and humidity, weakening the body. Some of them would be sugar, coffee, alcoholic beverages, dairy products, tropical fruits, and honey.
  • Yang foods: These foods strengthen the organism and provide energy. They are related to warmth. This type of food is divided into three groups: cereals, legumes, and vegetables.

It can be said that the macrobiotic diet is essentially ecological and tends to vegetarianism. 

Animal protein would be progressively eliminated, reducing the diet to the almost exclusive consumption of whole grains.

Fundamental Principles of The Macrobiotic Diet

According to this diet, we should consume foods that do not alter our biological characteristics. 

According to the principles of the macrobiotic diet, human beings should not consume food in the preparation of which chemical elements have been involved since our organism is not prepared for it. 

Therefore, it is necessary to return to the traditional diet, in which cereals, vegetables, and legumes were the basis of the diet.

The basic principles established by macrobiotics must be complied with daily. Among them are:

Water: A lot of water should be consumed in sips, before or after meals, never during. Better if it is lukewarm, as in teas, infusions, or soups.

Whole grains: They would have to represent 50%, approximately, of the ingested foods every day.

Legumes: These foods should occupy 15% of the total food consumed daily.

Vegetables and greens: They should form part, as a minimum, 25% of the daily diet. They have to be consumed cooked, never raw or fried.

Proteins: They should be consumed at least twice a week. Proteins should come mainly from white fish or poultry such as chicken or turkey. All other types of meat and fish are discarded.

Eggs: This diet allows eating one egg every ten days.

Fruit: It should always be consumed cooked. As far as possible, the consumption of raw fruit should be avoided.

Prohibited Foods in The Macrobiotic Diet

Some foods are not part of the macrobiotic diet. Some of those that should be avoided are:

  • Foods that are refined and contain added preservatives or colorings
  • Foods in whose cultivation chemical fertilizers have been used
  • Red meats
  • Animal fats
  • Dairy products
  • Eggplants, potatoes, tropical fruits, tomatoes, and juices
  • Sugars
  • Condiments and hot spices

Benefits of The Macrobiotic Diet

The macrobiotic diet brings many benefits to our health, so it is not surprising that it has an increasing number of followers. 

These benefits include:

Healthier stomach: The foods consumed when following a macrobiotic diet help maintain the body's proper pH level. 

That is why both acidity and heartburn disappear entirely.

Regulates intestinal transit: The macrobiotic diet includes foods loaded with fiber, facilitating the daily intestinal transit. 

For that reason, this diet is often recommended to people suffering from gastrointestinal problems or chronic constipation.

Stable glucose level: The foods that are part of this diet help control blood sugar levels.

Stable weight: As calorie consumption is minimal and processed fats and sugars are not present, followers of the macrobiotic diet tend to maintain their weight without gaining kilos quickly.

Greater peace of mind: The properties of the foods included in this diet contribute to reducing stress, making us feel much better in our day-to-day.

Mental agility: It is often said that the macrobiotic diet helps the brain to function optimally. This is because it gives our brain more clarity.

Increased energy: The macrobiotic diet is rich in cereals, with an ample supply of carbohydrates. 

The key is that these carbohydrates are slow chains. This means that the feeling of energy and vitality is prolonged throughout the day. 

This is why this diet is usually indicated for people who typically perform strenuous physical activity and suffer long convalescences.

Disadvantages of The Macrobiotic Diet

The diet considers the physical characteristics of each individual, such as age, sex, or complexion. However, it is probably not a type of diet that everyone can follow.

As it tends to eliminate animal proteins, people with low iron levels or lack of vitamin B12 will not follow the diet. 

For this reason, it is essential to be tested before macrobiotics, as well as during the first few weeks.

One of its disadvantages is that it can be more expensive, as organic foods and those that do not contain any preservatives tend to have higher prices.

Anyway, if the possibility of eating this type of food is within our reach, it is ideal for a natural diet, free of toxins, and that helps us to purify the organism.

Carl Elias

Content writer and travel enthusiast. Passionate about exploring new cultures and discovering off the beaten-path destinations.

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