
Fasting and Longevity

Fasting and Longevity

Everyone is talking about fasting and its vital importance. Great visionaries, entrepreneurs, thinkers and geniuses have been saying it for a long time and now it is starting to reach the mainstream. But what is fasting? It is a way to regenerate your body, to regenerate your mind, to see and discern the world a little differently, a little more clearly.


There are many types of fasting and it is important to do it with the advice of a specialist. Dr. Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo is vision, profession and experience. And one of the most recognized voices of fasting techniques: the act of abstaining from food to regenerate and reconnect. She, and the entire team at the legendary Buchinger Wilhelmi clinic, are experts in the fasting technique. With more than 100 years of history, they are the pioneers in this method, and they give us the A to Z of the keys to this millenary technique, which today is once again on everyone's lips.


What Is Fasting?

It is the act of abstaining from eating (totally or partially) for a period of time. This changes the metabolic program and the body's cells burn fat from adipose tissue instead of glucose.


Why Fast Once A Year?

The human being is genetically prepared and programmed to go without outside food for a long time. Every moment of fasting helps you to regenerate and rejuvenate your body and thus treat or prevent degenerative diseases.


So, Does Fasting Heal and Even Extend Life?

It does in animals. We are still doing research with humans. But it makes a lot of sense to think that, if you regularly regenerate your cells and rejuvenate them, you will live longer and have more resistance against possible diseases that appear as you age.


What Are the Effects of Fasting in The Buchinger Clinic?

There are effects on 3 levels: physical-medical, spiritual and the level of the fasting community. But the most important thing is that you rediscover the incredible potentials of your own body. The daily routine is very intense and alienates us from ourselves to the point where you neglect your body. It is essential to know your body's needs, take it into account and take care of it in order to live happily. Give it plenty of sleep, good nutrition, move it and seek a good emotional balance.


What Happens in The Body During Fasting?

When we give up external food, our body mobilizes its fat reserves. The triglycerides and cholesterol that we have in the blood (and are accessible to the cells) are also mobilized and normalized. The blood is left as skimmed.


More Fluid?

Yes, it is. And, in addition, if the liver has stored too many lipids, steatosis occurs. This disease can train cirrhosis, but if you fast, the excess fat is broken down. And also, other fat deposits inside the abdomen or accumulated in the neck, are quickly reabsorbed. While fasting, fat loss is continuous and visible.


What Else?

When food intake ceases, the glucose level drops, insulin is stopped and we enter a state of ketosis.


And What Exactly Is Ketosis?

Ketosis is a metabolic situation that induces the utilization of fats in order to obtain energy, generating compounds called ketone bodies that are a good fuel for the brain and the rest of the human body organs.


What Happens in Our Brain During Ketosis?

It improves mood, reduces the feeling of hunger, reduces inflammatory states, old cells are eliminated and new structures are synthesized; It provides a sometimes-euphoric state, anxiety is lowered, we are more positive, even feel moments of euphoria and also, communication between neurons is accelerated.


Are We More Creative?

In the brain there is a chemical change and we enter a more intuitive state in which you have a better vision of your own life. It even gives you time to feel, get emotional and understand others. You move in a more human way, more relaxed and you reach more inner peace, you even learn to meditate more easily! And at that point, yes, you are more creative.


Gandhi says that fasting is to a person's inner world what his eyes are to the outer world.


Right. It is also very interesting what happens at night: At first one sleeps in a more agitated way because of intense dreams and mental activity. Sometimes you have the feeling that you are not sleeping, that you are in a waking state. But you are not. He is resting with a kind of lucidity. After a few days, as there is no digestion, the sleep becomes deeper and shorter. And getting up becomes much easier.

Is It Possible to Live in A Constant State of Fasting?

Yes, periodic fasts of 5, 10, 15 or more days can be done a couple of times a year and always with medical control. There is also the possibility of intermittent fasting of 10 to 16 hours: This way a short state of ketosis is induced every day, also for therapeutic reasons, such as to give regenerative breaks to the body and to maintain a normal weight.


For Example?

A French monk, who died at the age of 92, fasted daily, from 6 p.m. to 5 a.m. the next day, because he said he entered a state of joie spirituelle, spiritual happiness. As this state was so extraordinary for him, he ate once a day and got several hours a day of this feeling of lightness, well-being and energy.


Although the Body Does Not Receive Food, You Feel Much More Energy. Why Is This?

It is normal that you feel more energy because the digestive work alone absorbs 20% of the energy (which during fasting you do not do). The energy of a cell is produced in the mitochondria, which are small structures that release energy from food. They regenerate themselves during fasting.


Do You Become More Intuitive?

Every day there are millions of signals, but you don't pick them all up because your head is on other things, rushing all the time. Fasting slows you down and makes you pick up all these signals better.


You Go to The Essence. To the Truth. The Spiritual Dimension of Fasting

When your mental activity doesn't stop; it makes comments, criticizes, judges and sometimes can give us a lot of anxiety with negative thoughts. Fasting gives you opportunities to stop all this useless mental activity. And it can even give you an openness of spirit as you change the brain fuel that leads you to be more sensitive and open towards others.


Will Fasting Make You Mainstream?

I believe so. The positive effects on body, mind and soul are so many that food breaks of a few hours, a few days or a few weeks under medical control will be part of the prevention and therapy of tomorrow's medicine. But be careful not to believe the advertising of pills or diets that want to suggest that fasting is not necessary and can be replaced by a product that mimics some effect of fasting. Your body knows how to fast, in the right dose and at the right time.

Carl Elias

Content writer and travel enthusiast. Passionate about exploring new cultures and discovering off the beaten-path destinations.

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