
Oatmeal the Queen of Cereals

Oatmeal the Queen of Cereals

If you want to know its benefits, how to take it for weight loss, whether it is better in grain, flakes, bran, or flour, and where to get it, read on.


The Queen of Cereals

Its benefits for cardiovascular health, the nervous system, the digestive system, or even weight loss have placed oats at the top of the cereals.


We tell you all its secrets, its benefits, how to take oatmeal most suitably and healthily, and where to get it if you do not have it at hand.


Main Properties of Oatmeal

  • Very nutritious: Most protein-containing cereal.
  • Lots of fiber: It has soluble and insoluble fibers.
  • Healthy energy: It contains many slow absorption carbohydrates.
  • Full of minerals and B vitamins: besides many antioxidants and anti-inflammatories.
  • Healthy fats: Most of them are unsaturated and, therefore, recommended.


Oatmeal for Weight Loss?

Yes, oatmeal is an excellent ally for weight loss. Why? Because it has more protein and fiber than other cereals and fewer carbohydrates (and prolonged absorption), it is very nutritious, satiating, and less fattening. 

But how is it best to take it: grain, flakes, bran, or flour?


Grain Oatmeal

❋ It is the least known presentation. It is the grain of the plant as it is or peeled, but not pressed.

❋ It provides you with all its carbohydrates and, if it is unpeeled, its fiber as well.

❋ It is very nutritious, but it is not the most advisable if you want to lose weight.

❋ It requires soaking and cooking, and it is used in salads or combined with other grains: rice, quinoa, or couscous...


Oat Flakes

❋ They are the result of hulling and pressing the cereal grains.

❋ They provide fiber and some proteins and more carbohydrates of slow absorption than in other presentations. 

Especially if you take them refined, without the husk. If you want to use oatmeal for weight loss, it is better to use whole grains.

❋ They are indicated to calm hunger while you get energy because their slow absorption of carbohydrates makes energy released little by little. You have a feeling of satiety for a longer time.

❋ They are used in breakfasts with oatmeal, pastries, breaded...


Oat Bran

❋ Oat Bran is the outer husk of the grains of this cereal, i.e., what is left over after refining the oat grains to obtain flakes.

❋ Its properties highlight its low carbohydrate content and its richness in fiber, which is satiating, provides minerals and vitamins, helps fight constipation, and provides energy.

❋ It is the ideal presentation for slimming diets.

❋ It is used in oatmeal smoothies with fruit and vegetables, breakfasts with yogurt and other dairy products, and a substitute for breadcrumbs in the batter.



❋ It is the most minor 'natural' presentation of all because it results from the crushing and refining to a greater or lesser extent of the oat grain.

❋ As it is refined, it is the poorest in fiber but with many carbohydrates. To counteract it, better if it is integral.

❋ If you want to keep the weight at bay, it is the least indicated of all.

❋ It is used to make oatcakes, bread, cakes, and pastries and substitute for other heavier flours.


Where Can You Find It?

Nowadays, you can find oat flour, oat bran, and oat flakes with an excellent quality-price ratio in all supermarkets. 

But, if you want to see more challenging to find presentations (organic oats, whole oats, gourmet...), you can find them in any supermarket.

The need to include cereals in a healthy and balanced diet has put oats on the most famous podium due to their many properties and health benefits.


Properties of Oats

❋ It has a lot of protein: This cereal is rich in protein. It is also a high biological quality protein since it provides almost all the essential amino acids. It is only surpassed in protein quality by rice, but not in quantity. 

To consume it together with a legume, cooking with lentils or beans, allows obtaining more complete proteins.


❋ It is very energetic: Its carbohydrate content is similar or lower than that of other seeds, around 60%. 

And most of them are of slow absorption, which provides a more excellent feeling of satiety after eating, and provides energy in a moderate but constant way. 

This avoids weakness, tiredness, and anxiety that lead to snacking and an unbalanced diet.


❋ Ideal for constipation: Oats are a unique cereal with soluble and insoluble fibers at the same time. Thanks to the insoluble fiber, it facilitates intestinal transit and reduces constipation. 

In addition, the action of soluble fiber is involved in the reduction of bad cholesterol and therefore protects against cardiovascular disease.


 Rich in minerals and B vitamins: A serving of 50 grams of whole oat flakes provides 25% of the daily phosphorus, 20% of magnesium, 15% of iron, 50% of manganese, and 22% of vitamin B1.

It also provides some potassium, calcium, selenium, silicon, copper, zinc, and vitamins E, B2, and B3 and numerous antioxidants and anti-inflammatories such as avenanthramides.


❋ Healthy fats: The fats in oats also outperform other grains. And most of these, moreover, are unsaturated and, therefore, recommended.


 Super satiating: It is ideal for weight loss because it is very satiating and not very fattening. Especially if it is in the form of bran or in its integral versions, which have more fiber.


❋ Protects your heart: It has anti-inflammatory, vasodilator, and depurative properties.


It takes care of your nervous system: Vitamin B1, calcium, and alkaloids protect the system and help you relax, concentrate and prevent mental exhaustion.

Carl Elias

Content writer and travel enthusiast. Passionate about exploring new cultures and discovering off the beaten-path destinations.

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