
Is Granola Healthy

Is Granola Healthy

If you are starting to change your diet and seeking a healthier life, or if you are already a fan of a balanced diet, you must have already seen several recipes and snack options with granola.

Before common only in hotel breakfasts, today it has become popular on the shelves of supermarkets, cereal stores, and on the tables of those who want more nutritious and balanced meals.

So, this article was written exclusively to clarify the main doubts about this superfood. Check out below why it can and should be part of your daily routine. Let's go?

What Is Granola?

Granola is basically a mix of dried fruit (dried bananas and grapes), cereals (oatmeal, wheat bran, wheat germ, rice flake, and cornflake), and oilseeds (almonds, nuts, and walnuts). It consists of carbohydrates, and its function is to provide the body with the necessary energy.

Benefits of This Food

Since granola is mainly composed of carbohydrates from whole grains, seeds, and cereals, it has a lower glycemic index. Thus, it encourages blood glucose to rise more slowly in the blood.

This, if compared to other sources of simple carbohydrates, such as refined sugar - present not only in sugar but in ready-made beverages and ultra-processed foods.

Another vital benefit of granola is the amount of dietary fiber. Fiber helps the intestinal transit, helping to improve constipation.

In addition, they help maintain the good bacteria that are part of the intestinal microbiota. They also help keep satiety, reducing hunger between meals.

In the mix of ingredients that make up granola, important minerals are present, including the immune system.

Among them, phosphorus (helps in the formation of bones and teeth), and selenium, with antioxidant action and necessary for the thyroid gland function.

Does Granola Help Me Lose Weight?

Yes, as long as you maintain a regular diet on a daily basis. By the way, including drinking plenty of water, because granola is rich in fiber.

The fiber will help you control satiety for a longer time. In other words, they will make you less hungry.

Is All Granola Healthy?

Not necessarily. That is why it is essential to check the product packaging and check the nutritional components.

If there is too much salt and sugar, it can be harmful to the body's function. Healthy granola is that rich in fiber and low in sugar.

How Much Can I Consume Per Day?

On average, the tip is to consume about 40g of granola per day - in other words, about four tablespoons.

But it is always advisable to consult a nutritionist before including this and other foods in your diet.

It is possible to eat it every day, but you need to adjust the daily amount in your meals.

Salty Granola Vs Sweet Granola

There is sweet and salty granola. Sweet granola is the best known. It is composed, as mentioned before, of a mix of dried fruits, cereals, and oilseeds.

But it is possible to get the salty version. In it, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flaxseed, sesame seeds, and chia seeds, for example, are used, and spices such as parsley, chives, rosemary, and thyme, among others.

The preparation recipe is simple. First, grease a frying pan with a bit of olive oil and mix all the ingredients indicated above.

Then add some lemon pepper, and the salty version is ready. It can also be used to flavor salads.

Can Granola Make Me Gain Weight?

Yes, if you do not know how to control the daily allowed amount of food consumption. It is rich in carbohydrates and, in excess, can turn into body fat.

How to Consume Granola

Since granola provides energy, the tip is to replace carbohydrate-rich breakfast foods (bread, toast, and crackers) with granola.

It can be eaten with yogurt and milk - preferably the skimmed/light version. It can also be added after a workout as a way to recover the body's energy stores.

If granola is not yet part of your meals, how about adding it? For more content about healthy eating, check out other posts on the subject in our blog.

Carl Elias

Content writer and travel enthusiast. Passionate about exploring new cultures and discovering off the beaten-path destinations.

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