
Keto Soup Diet

Keto Soup Diet

It promises everything: to be easy to cook, cheap, simple to follow, and capable of making you lose up to four kilos in just five days. 

But does it deliver what it promises this accelerated weight loss plan? Does the keto soup diet work, and is it safe for your health?

There are many soup diets (and there will continue to be forever and ever): cabbage soup diet, chicken broth diet, fat burning soup diet...

They are the salvation of those who want to lose a lot of weight quickly because they are diets that last a short time (one week) and are usually very effective because they always contain satiating recipes very low in calories.

But what about this new version of the soup diet? Is the keto soup able to make us lose four kilos in five days?

What Does the Keto Soup Diet Consist Of?

It is easy to deduce from its name, it is specially designed for lovers of the ketogenic diet, but it is also often used by those who follow the Whole30 method or the Paleo diet.

The ketogenic version of the soup diet eats for five days a diet that makes carbohydrates fall to a minimum (limiting them to 20 g per day) and provides about 1200 calories per day.

One day, the complete menu plan includes breakfast with eggs and bacon, avocado and unsweetened coffee (and unsweetened), and a tuna salad for lunch. The rest of the day, as expected, you eat soup.

At both lunch and dinner, you can have up to two bowls of keto soup. The keto soup recipe is simple: make a broth with chicken, olive oil, celeriac (you can substitute cauliflower or turnip), Swiss chard, yellow squash, sun-dried tomatoes, mushrooms, garlic, onion, green beans, basil, and apple cider vinegar.

Does the Keto Soup Diet Work?

Generally speaking, science supports that people who usually eat soup are thinner than those who do not include these spoon dishes in their regular diet. That's what scientific studies say.

But it's quite another thing to gorge yourself for a week on keto soup and think you're going to reach your ideal weight. What does science have to say about keto soup?

Well, there is currently no scientific evidence about its effectiveness, but common sense suggests that if you drastically reduce the calories you consume for a week, you will surely lose weight... but what kind of weight?

Well, unfortunately, the one we are least interested in: it has been proven that most of the weight lost during those five days of drinking soup corresponds to water rather than fat loss.

Moreover, as it is a diet that can (and should) only last a week, it does not help to make the transition to a healthier diet; in other words, the rebound effect is almost guaranteed.

Carl Elias

Content writer and travel enthusiast. Passionate about exploring new cultures and discovering off the beaten-path destinations.

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