


The Dhanurasana or bow posture is one of the most popular yoga postures and involves stretching the spine backward. 


The name of this posture is related to the fact that when we do it, our body performs the position of a bow when it is going to shoot arrows, with the arms forming the string and the torso and legs forming the body of the bow. It is a perfect posture to do with our yoga challenge.


With Dhanurasana, the back muscles are strengthened as they participate in the movement to reach the final posture.


This helps to improve the shoulders' flexibility and stretch the abdomen, chest, and legs. It is a reasonably simple posture if you already have the necessary technique.


Dhanurasana Meaning

The meaning of Dhanurasana is literally bow pose. "Dhanur" in Sanskrit is used to describe a bow, and "asana" is "posture."


Dhanurasana, or arched posture, consists of grasping the feet when lying face down on the yoga mat and lifting the back and legs with the limbs. The back and legs are shaped like an arch, and the string is the arm.


Bow Pose Step by Step

To do the Dhanurasana step by step, you have to follow the following instructions:


1. Lie down in a prone position with your arms on your torso and your forehead on the floor.


2. Inhale, bend your legs backward, and hold your ankles with your hand. If you find it difficult to hold your ankles, it can be your feet.


3. Exhale and lift your head, thighs, and chest off the floor. Breathe deeply and hold the position for 20 seconds. 

4. Exhale to release your legs and bring your limbs and body back to the floor. 


5. Finish in Balasana.


Dhanurasana Benefits

The benefits of Dhanurasana are as follows:


❋ Stiffens the buttocks.


❋ It helps to improve concentration.


❋ Exercise the chest and shoulder muscles.


❋ The satisfaction it brings leads to mental well-being.


❋ If you do it with your head forward, it strengthens the neck muscles.


❋ Holding your breath during the final position increases lung capacity.


❋ It reduces stress: The body releases endorphins and other relaxing substances. 


❋ You also train the abdominal muscles because they keep the upper body elevated.


❋ The triceps, arm muscles, legs, and arms are stretched and strengthened.


❋ All the back muscles come into action in the bow position, which means that the back is strengthened.


❋ The legs, both the quadriceps and knee muscles, also benefit from Dhanurasana, as they are in the back of the thigh.


❋ You gain flexibility in the back: This exercise helps keep the back healthy, move, maintaining good posture, and preventing scoliosis or its spread.


Variants of The Bow Posture

There are six variants of Dhanurasana or bow pose:


Padangustha Dhanurasana: Instead of holding the feet by the instep, you have to do it with the big toe of each foot. For that reason, the word "Padangustha" means "big toe."


Urdhva Dhanurasana: In the "arched upward posture," you have to put your arms on the mat, straighten up and arch your back. It is also called the wheel.


Eka Pada Dhanurasana or also known as one leg bowed pose: "eka" is one and "pada" means leg). Reach one leg with your hand on that same side, while the ends of the other leg remain on the mat.


Eka Pada Pada Pada Urdhva Dhanurasana: "arched pose with one leg lifted." It is like the wheel, but only one of the two legs are lifted.


Pada Shirsha Urdhva Dhanurasana: This variation within the "upward" variation, but "Shirsha"? It is head. It's the "bow pose with the leg on the head."


Akarna Dhanurasana: "akarna" is the ear and consists of bringing the leg to the ear.



Not everyone can perform the Dhanurasana, especially those with back problems.


❋ People who have peptic ulcer or umbilical hernia.

❋ Not advisable for those who have essential diseases in the organs located in the abdomen.

❋ Those who have herniated discs, carpal tunnel syndrome, or frequent tendonitis.

❋ Also, not advisable for those with heart problems, high blood pressure, and glaucoma.


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Carl Elias

Content writer and travel enthusiast. Passionate about exploring new cultures and discovering off the beaten-path destinations.

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