
How to Lose Abdominal Fat

How to Lose Abdominal Fat

Because doing sit-ups doesn't guarantee a flat stomach, here's the ultimate plan.


A toned and flat stomach? Since this is a fairly universal desire and even more so at this time of year. 

It's a good idea to remember this statement by a fitness expert: Everyone has abs, but what prevents us from seeing them is the percentage of fat on top of them.

Therefore, the ideal way to see the abs is to lower that percentage, says Alberto Roales Da Silva, personal trainer at David Lloyd Aravaca, about the need to lose abdominal fat to show off a firm abdomen. 


Words that also confirms another fitness expert, Ángel Merchán, director of Home Wellness Madrid. "Our abs will be marked and defined when we lose enough fat.


In other words, there is little point in doing abs irrationally if we don't lose the fat that "covers them up." And that is not only a matter of diet but also of physical exercise and not Only Abdominals.


Do I Need to Lower the Fat Percentage First Before Doing Abdominal Strength Work?

Given that to have a toned and firm abdomen, we should have a low-fat percentage; it is necessary to solve this question: Is it more effective to lose fat first and then tone the abdominals? 


As Merchán points out, the idea is to work simultaneously on improving abdominal strength by increasing tone and simultaneously performing training focused on fat loss. However, suppose you want to lower the percentage of fat first. 


In that case, the David Lloyd Aravaca expert advises combining strength training with cardiovascular exercise (obviously taking care of the diet) and then resort to yoga, pilates or activities focused on the abdomen to tone it.


On How HIIT Helps Burn Abdominal Fat

HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) workouts are, according to Merchán, the best strategy for losing that abdominal fat that prevents our abs from looking toned and firm. 

"In them we will perform a series of sprints with breaks between each one of them. For example, 8 sprints of 30 seconds and breaks of one minute. They can be done running, cycling, elliptical, rowing, swimming..." adds the expert from Home Wellness Madrid.


The Alternative to Traditional Crunches

We already advanced it at the beginning. Doing sit-ups like there's no tomorrow doesn't guarantee a toned belly. 


First, because if there is abdominal fat, no matter how many crunches we do, the fat will prevent them from being seen. 


And secondly, because there are other super practical toning exercises (and compatible with possible spinal pathologies). This is confirmed by both Ángel Merchán and Alberto Roales Da Silva. 


What practices are we talking about? From the plank - "It tones the abdomen and activates the transversus and is much safer for the back," says Roales Da Silva- to exercises with pulleys, rubber bands, fitball, or bosu. 

And more global disciplines such as pilates, yoga, or functional training also work the abdominal muscles very effectively with global exercises.


And What About Diet?

All of the above will not affect (or not at the desired level) if we do not have a proper diet. "Obviously diet is fundamental, only with exercise, if we eat badly, we may not lose fat," says Merchán. 


Therefore, it is advisable to remember to eliminate processed foods rich in simple sugars and saturated fats and increase the consumption of proteins, unsaturated fats, carbohydrates with a low glycemic index, vitamins, minerals, and water. 

In other words: eat the usual vegetables, fruits, white meats, fish, eggs, and nuts.


Abs Are Made in The Kitchen

This is one of the phrases most often repeated by fitness experts when talking about a flat stomach.  


That is why it is worth remembering one of the recommendations made by the Harvard Health School on the subject, which also advises always to prioritize complex carbohydrates (fruits, vegetables, and whole grains) and lean proteins over simple carbohydrates such as bread, refined pasta or sugary drinks. 


Although Harvard says that scientists hope to develop drugs to help fight abdominal fat, for the time being, "our lifestyle and physical exercise are the best way to fight visceral fat."


The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Experts confirm that intermittent fasting or time-restricted eating also improves our body's insulin response and helps reduce visceral fat that accumulates in the abdomen. 


That is why they advise abstaining from eating for a minimum of 14 hours after the day's last meal. They recommend doing this three days a week and then eating on our usual schedule the other four days.

Carl Elias

Content writer and travel enthusiast. Passionate about exploring new cultures and discovering off the beaten-path destinations.

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