
Japanese Diet to Lose Weight

Japanese Diet to Lose Weight

Are you tired of trying unsuccessful diets? A weekly menu based on the traditional Japanese diet will help you lose weight, find out how to do it!

From I choose to take care of myself, we want to tell you about a great unknown: the Japanese diet. 

Together with the Mediterranean diet, they are the healthiest and are associated with one of the longest longevities of the populations that practice it.

Japanese cuisine has evolved due to the modernization that countries around the world are experiencing at different speeds. 

There are not many studies that demonstrate its objective evolution, but today's Japanese diet may cause a more significant increase in visceral fat than the traditional Japanese diet of the 1970s. Even so, it remains one of the healthiest diets in the world.

The Japanese diet is effective for weight loss because it is based on a balanced diet with all the necessary nutrients.

What Characterizes the Japanese Diet?

Certain factors give the Japanese diet the essential characteristics to achieve a healthy eating pattern.

Table Culture

Many current scientific studies and many health professionals recommend and affirm that we should do it with tranquility, with some relaxation, and enjoying the food when we eat. These principles are shared with mindful eating.

It is not recommended to eat fast or watch television, as this can be associated with eating voraciously or eating more than we should, leading to a greater likelihood of intestinal discomfort and obesity, among others.

The Japanese culture carries out this action as a ritual; they only eat sitting down, concentrating on this action and from time to time maintaining small conversations between the diners, which favors a meal without stress and in harmony tending the sensation of satiety.

One of the characteristics that make the helpful Japanese diet for weight loss is to eat slowly and without distractions.

Eating with Chopsticks

Unlike European meals where Western cutlery is used (spoon, knife, and fork), it is easier to eat larger quantities. 

In the Japanese diet, by eating with chopsticks, they avoid gulping and consuming 80% of the food eaten with the Western diet.

Together with their habit of eating at the table, it is conducive to eating less and slowly.

Healthy Cooking Methods

In the Japanese diet, cooking is characterized by using a low or non-existent number of oils, predominantly vegetable oils.

Mostly raw foods, especially fish and vegetables, are steamed, so the loss of nutrients in the food is practically nil, and wok meals, a cooking technique similar to the Western skillet, in which small amounts of oil and numerous spices are used.

Varied and Nutritious Foods

In a day, it is estimated that the Japanese diet can include up to 30 different types of food, which gives it great nutritional versatility.

Each meal always includes five dishes: soup or broth, usually miso, brown rice, and three other dishes typically rich in vegetables and protein, varying mainly by family circumstance, season, or region.

All foods included in the Japanese diet are natural and without industrial processing.

What Are the Main Ingredients of The Japanese Diet?

One of the characteristics of the Japanese diet is its variety and balance of ingredients. 

Some of the most prominent and well-known ingredients in the traditional Japanese diet menu are:

Green Tea

Unlike Western culture, which consumes water and sugary, carbonated, or alcoholic beverages frequently, the Japanese diet is more often based on green tea as the beverage par excellence.

Green tea is a powerful antioxidant, which does not provide calories, prevents aging and cellular wear processes, and is rich in vitamins and minerals.


Seaweed such as Miso or Wakame is among the star ingredients in Japanese diet dishes.

They are plant foods that, together with the other vegetables in your diet, will provide a wealth of nutrients.


Meat is not very common in the Japanese diet, with fish being the primary source of protein in their diet.

They provide numerous healthy fats such as polyunsaturated fats (Omega 3), unlike the meat consumed in Western diets, rich in saturated fats.

Soybean and Its Derivatives

It is a legume that contains, in addition to carbohydrates, proteins of vegetable origin that can represent the proteins complemented with fish that all people need in their daily lives for their proper development.

And as an extra attraction, it is worth mentioning that it can be eaten in its various forms: tofu, bean sprouts?

Brown Rice

In all meals every day, rice is the leading food.

It provides fiber and unrefined carbohydrates, very healthy.


They use many spices and avoid the consumption of salt, providing protective benefits at the cardiovascular level.

As you can see, the Japanese diet has many reasons why it is one of the best diets globally, both nutritionally and in terms of health. 

This means that we can take the example of their customs and apply them in our daily lives, such as relaxation in meals, versatility, and variety of foods, and of course, avoiding unnatural foods such as processed and ultra-processed foods.

Even if you don't need to lose weight, the Japanese diet allows you to eat healthily and feel-good inside and out.

And remember to share this article on your social networks because eating healthy and tasty food is beneficial for everyone.

Carl Elias

Content writer and travel enthusiast. Passionate about exploring new cultures and discovering off the beaten-path destinations.

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