
The Military Diet

Military Diet Plan

Have you heard of the military diet? You may have if you are one of those who have been searching the internet for days looking for a way to lose those kilos that have been added to the scale after the excesses of the Christmas meals.

The military diet is a type of diet designed to purify the body and lose weight in a short time: only three days (so it is also known as the 3-day diet). 

But, attention, maximum three days. After these days, you rest the other four days of the week, eating more or less freely.

This consists of eliminating mid-morning meals and snacks -although they can be replaced by coffee or tea-, and restricting certain types of food and calories.

According to El Confidencial, legend suggests that it is so named because U.S. Army nutritionists created it quickly to get soldiers in shape. 

However, just as it is known as the military diet, it is also called the army diet, navy diet, or even the ice cream diet.

It is essential to mention that these types of diets work in the short term, and it is not advisable to follow them for a long time, at least without consulting a specialist who can analyze your factors and your medical history.

If you decide to put it into practice, you must strictly follow the guidelines.

In the first part of the week, i.e., the first three days, you should eat between 1,100 and 1,400 calories a day. 

While the other four days you can eat whatever you want, but if your goal is to lose weight, you should not get out of hand, and it is best to opt for healthy, low-calorie foods. 

Although you can adapt the ingredients, the key is to follow the rules and not exceed the number of calories. It is also essential to drink plenty of fluids but without sugar.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Military Diet?

To finish this guide, here are the most commonly asked questions about the military diet.

Is It Possible to Lose Up To 10 Pounds in Just One Week?

One of the big reasons why the military diet became famous was the supposed promise that you could lose up to 10 pounds in just one week.

This high rate of weight loss is possible, but for those who are overweight and on diets with high-calorie restrictions, as is the military diet.

So, if you are overweight or obese, following this diet can help you lose up to 10 pounds a week, but most of the weight lost will be water, mainly.

Since the military diet aims for an extensive food restriction, the body's glycogen is used up, and its reserves (which carry a lot of water) are decreased, which leads to weight loss.

For this weight not to be recovered on the days when you usually eat again, or after you stop the diet, you have to stick to it for two or three weeks to lose weight more effectively.

Is It Allowed to Eat Sweets in The Military Diet?

Yes, as long as it is in moderation and their consumption does not exceed the daily calorie limit (1100 to 1400 during the first phase).

As you can see in the examples of the menus of the first phase, ice cream is allowed to be eaten at dinner since a portion of sweets or sugars is indicated to be eaten.

Besides sweets, other foods such as sausages, which are not very healthy, and eggs made with butter, are also allowed (entering the portion of oils and fats also allowed).

Like sweets, this portion must also be included within the limit of daily calories that cannot be exceeded.

Can Anyone Follow the Military Diet?

Since the military diet involves many food restrictions during some days (and weeks, depending on the number of cycles you do), it is not indicated for some people.

People in a phase where they need more calories (not calorie restriction), such as the elderly, children, teenagers, pregnant and lactating women, should not do the military diet.

The only chance that children, teenagers, or the elderly will adhere to this diet is in a very high overweight or obese range.

In these situations, the military diet can not only be done but also indicated for these groups.

Is the Military Diet Safe Then?

The military diet, taking into account what was answered in the previous question about "risk groups," is safe for the average person in general.

Since it is very short, if you only do one, two, or three cycles, there is no danger of damage to your health, either temporary or permanent.

That's why even if you are going to do more than one cycle, never stay more than one month on the diet plan of this diet.

For short cycles, the diet is effortless to do, and it fits in your pocket since it doesn't require the consumption of expensive food.

Moreover, it does not require significant long-term changes in habits, like other diets, but only focus and determination for a week or two.

In the case of people who follow the military diet for several months, it is not only unsustainable but can also cause some damage to their health.

The risk of nutritional deficiencies, such as vitamins, minerals, and fiber, especially when consuming vegetables and legumes is low, is very high.

Eating unhealthy foods such as sausages and ice cream weekly can lead to the opposite results (such as weight gain and metabolic diseases).

The military diet also has the disadvantage of not promoting a dietary re-education, so you need to be careful not to regain weight after stopping it.

However, it can be a kick-start for those who want to change their lives and start a new eating style, eating better and in a healthier way.

Is It Possible to Exercise During the Military Diet?

Physical exercises are not only allowed but also recommended and stimulated since they help lose weight, especially fat.

Despite that, if you are not used to exercising or if you are having a hard time adapting due to the calorie restriction in the first days, look for less intense activities, such as walking.

What About Hydration During the Military Diet?

Hydration is essential in any phase of life, especially when you are on a very restrictive diet.

As you have seen, the most significant loss in the first days of the diet is water, so not replacing it correctly may cause dehydration.

Paying attention to the daily amount of water is essential even to keep the metabolism stimulated and increase weight loss. Therefore, never forget to drink at least two liters of water daily.


As you can see, the military diet has become very popular in the last few years, and it is the favorite among people who want to lose weight quickly and effectively.

In general, and in the short term, this diet brings the benefit of losing weight without causing any damage to your health.

However, it should never be carried out for more than a month because it can cause nutritional deficiencies and even impair weight loss.

Carl Elias

Content writer and travel enthusiast. Passionate about exploring new cultures and discovering off the beaten-path destinations.

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